Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why forgiveness?

You may have come across this blog, wondering why someone would be writing about forgiveness.

There's been so much written about it, mostly about how and all the reasons why one would want and/or need to forgive. With everyone wanting to assert their rights these days, what would be the point? Because it benefits our spirit, soul and body. Because it's unselfish. Because, in my experience, it does no good to hold on to hurt because it only hurts you in the end.

Maybe we should start out by reading the definition of forgiveness. The word forgive is a verb, which means its an action. It means to "stop feeling angry or resentful" toward someone who offended or hurt you. It also means to cancel a debt. 

Forgiveness is one of those universal truths, similar to the famous "what goes around comes around," or "karma," if you feel so inclined. I remember seeing on a tip bowl at a local coffee shop the phrase "Karma is a boomerang" in big, bold black letters. Considering that all the wait staff tips were in this large round bowl, I would what goes around comes around would be a better choice of phrase for the bowl in question. 


So back to me and the forgiveness thing. I've had something happen to me recently that has utterly broken my heart. As much as I would like to share this with my friends, I can't, at least not right now. It has brought me back to the faith that I wanted to so eagerly walk away from a few years ago. In my sadness and despair, God has brought me back to Him in the last few months. He is the one who is with me at 3:00 in the morning when I wake up with anxiety attacks, comforting me with His words that are embedded deep in my spirit.

Despite the hurt, I want to move on, to forgive, to see where this "course correction," as I like to call it, will lead me. I know that God is in this mess, "that all things work together for good for those who love Yeshua (Jesus)." Whatever I write here, I pray that it will help all the people who read this blog.

Thanks for listening.... and reading.
